Know what is Qarin, which have always been with us?
Qarin was someone created by ALLAH s.w.t as a human companion. Can be said to be "twins" of man. Every man born into this world have their own Qarin. Rasulullah s.a.w. itself is no exception.Only difference, Rasulullah's qarin is a Muslim. While others are infidels.
In general the unbelievers's qarin works led to crime. He whispered doubts,neglect prayer, feels weighing in reading the Qur'an and etc. In fact, they working with 'tooth and nai'l to prevent their companion from worship and goodness.
To strike a balance between these qarin, Allah swt sent angel. These angel would imply that right and make a good call. So it's up to everyone to make choices according to which the stronger influence. However, Muslims are able to govern and make the influence of the Qarin weak and helpless.
How, by reading the "Bismillah" before doing any work, doing many zikir, reading the Quran and faithful in carrying out Allah's commandments.
From Abdullah Mas'ud r.a., the Prophet s.a.w. said : "All of you have Qarin from the jinn, and Qarin from angels race. They said:" O Messenger, do you also? "said:" Yes, I too was there, but Allah swt has helped me so the Qarin can become Islamic and the Qarin just ask me in the case of righteousness . "
(Reported by Ahmad and Muslim)
Aishah r.a. related that the Prophet one night out of her (Aishah r.a) house, she said: "I feel jealous." He suddenly turned around and asked: "O Aishah, what has happened, what are you jealous of?" I said: 'How can I do not envy someone like you, O Messenger of Allah. " Prophet said : "have you being mastered by the devil?" I asked: "Do I have the devil?" Prophet said: "Every man have their devil, that Qarin." I asked: "Do you even have the Qarin, O Messenger of Allah?" He replied: "Yes, but God help me to so that my Qarin converted to Islam."
(Reported by Muslim)
(Reported by Muslim)
In another hadith from Ibn 'Umar, saying of the Prophet which means: "I imperatives of Adam with two things, my syaithan was infidel but Allah help me until the syaithan was Muslim. Second, my wives will help me but Adam's syaithan still infidel and his wife's help he made a mistake."
(Reported by Baihaqi)
(Reported by Baihaqi)
Ibn al-Muqaddasi Muflih tells a story: Once upon a time, the devil that accompany the faithful, take a close contact with the heathen's devil. Satan, who follow the faithful is thin, while the unbelievers's satan was fat. Then asked why are you thin, "How am I not thin, and when the faithful came to the house he was zikrullah, take him to remember God, when drinking, too." Instead of following Satan who disbelieve say: "I always eat with him and so is drinking."
Qarin be separated with their "twin" it is only when the human died. The human spirit will be placed in a Partition, while qarin survive because usually age genie is long. However,when hereafter, both will be charged by Allah swt for judgment. But qarin will not take responsibility for error or human disobedience.
# Try to imagine for a moment about our Twin, especially when we feel the urge to commit acts of sin and evil.
Sure the Qarin has been happy if we 'Coffin' with evil and sad if we were able to curb.
* Remember this and think about what we do.
Sure the Qarin has been happy if we 'Coffin' with evil and sad if we were able to curb.
* Remember this and think about what we do.